Project Description

Episode 55 – The Ultimate Copy Chat: Copy Writing at Its Best

This episode is packed with incredible information about genuinely connecting with people, writing copy that works plus insider information on how to be invited to Al Pacino's house.

If you're ready to discover what to say and how to say it to magnetically attract your dream clients? Then you need Marisa Corcoran in your corner...

In addition to writing the words that get landing pages converting at 60% (or higher!) and crafting personality-filled emails, Marisa helps coaches and creatives craft their uncopyable message inside her 6 month mastermind, The Copy Confidence Society.

She’s also the creator of the wildly popular Copy Chat Masterclass Series which brings together 20+ leading copywriters, business coaches and online strategists to give you one doable tip to craft kick-ass copy that attracts clients, makes money and creates a massive movement online.

In a nutshell, this is what we learned, I'd invite you to listen in because the amount of valuable information is CRAZY!

1. Write in a way that makes people feel that YOU GIVE A SHIT!

2. Copywriting is TWO WAY. Don't just write to and for them -- Build a relationship with them and make them feel involved.

3. Be as SPECIFIC as you possibly can!

4. Your FANS are not your CLIENTS

And lastly, even if you think that no one is watching you, KEEP GOING!!!! Because somebody is watching and somebody is interested in what you're putting out into the world.

To being original and uncopyable,


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